

General regulations

You may consult the academic regulations:

Norms for permanence in the Master program


All students registered in this Master have to obtain between 60 and 120 ECTS. Of these, between 30 and 90 must correspond to courses and 30 to the Master Thesis. The precise courses a student can register in will depend on his o her prior background at the time of admittance to the Master’s Program.


There are regulations limiting the maximum time a student can spend in order to complete all the courses as well as the the Master Thesis. Additionally, these regulations stablish a minimum number of credits that should be completed by the student within the first year of the Master. 

More precisely, during his or her first academic year, student (i.e., the first two terms):

The student should obtain a mimimum of 15 ECTS. This is the specific academic rule at UPC. Conditions may be differnet in other universities (for example, UdG or URV). In case of any incompatibility between different univesrity regulations, a different proposal should be made.


To complete the Master studies, two different time lapses will be taken into account: one stablishing the maximum time for the completion of courses and the other one for the completion of the Master’s Thesis. Each of these time terms is determined by the number of terms elapsed since the moment of registration and it also depends on the number of ECTS credits that the student has to attain. The time terms are the following ones:

Time to complete courses
Time to complete Thesis
3rd Term
4rd Term
4rd Term
5th Term
5th Term
6th Term


For example, a student registering in September 2008 han who should obtain 75 ECTS, should have all courses complete before July 2010 (four terms) and should have presented the Master Thesis before January 2011.