Program structure and activities

Program structure

The current regulation and the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) defines two periods in Doctoral studies:

  • The lecturing period
  • The research period

The lecturing period

In order to acquire the necessary background knowledge to perform research in the area, some students might have to complete their education with additional post-graduate courses.

Tutors will define a personalized itinerary for each student.

The students will have two opportunities for passing complementary courses, the required time will depend on the periodicity of the offer of the subjects that they have to pass.

Click here to see the list of some eligible Master Courses for this period.

The research period

In this period the student will be trained to obtain the knowledge and abilities to perform quality research in the area. This training will be composed by different activities (courses, seminars, guided research assignments) that will lead to the elaboration and defense of a Thesis Project. If accepted, the candidate will be allowed to proceed with the elaboration of the PhD Thesis.

During this period students do not need to register for courses, but they must register every academic year for the tutoring they receive.
Please note:
All students who enrolled for the first time before course 2007-2008 are currently on this period.

Previous mobility seminars and courses (including Master courses)

Mobility seminars and courses 2009-2010

Mobility seminars and courses 2009-2010
Professor Organization Title Dates Funding
ROLI, ANDREA Università di Bologna (Italy) An Introduction to Hybrid Metaheuristics September 2010 DCT2009-00098-P
DO SANTOS COEHO PAQUETE, LUIÍS FELIPE University of Coimbra (Portugal) Multiobjective optimization September 2010 DCT2009-00098-P
THILIKOS, DIMITRIOS University of Athens (Greece) Graph Minors: Proofs and Algorithms July 2010 DCT2009-00098-P
ROPINSKI, TIMO Universität Münster (Germany) Workshop: Interactive Volume Visualization June 2010 DCT2009-00098-P
DUCCASE, STÉPHANE INRIA (France) Advanced Object-Oriented Design February 2010 DCT2009-00098-P
HERMANN, FRANCK Technische Universität Berlin (Germany) On-the-Fly Construction, Correctness and Completeness of Model Transformations based on Triple Graph Grammars Setember 2009

Mobility seminars and courses 2008-2009

Mobility seminars and courses 2008-2009
Professor Organization Title Dates Funding
ROSSIGNAC, JAREK Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) Foundations and tools for Geometry Processing July 2009 DCT2008-0007-P
CARVALLO VEGA, JUAN PABLO Universidad del Pacífico (Ecuador) Evaluación de la calidad y selección de componentes de software June 2009 DCT2008-0007-P
Diseño de la arquitectura de sistemas híbridos May 2009 DCT2008-0007-P
GOGOLLA, MARTIN University of Bremen (Germany) USE: A UML-Based Specification Environment for Validating UML and OCL February 2009
ATZENI, PABLO Università Roma Tre (Italy) A runtime approach to model-independent schema and data translation February 2009
THALHEIM, BERNHARD Kiel University (Germany) Exception handling for information and software systems February 2009
COJA-OGHLAN, AMIN University of Edinburgh (UK) A better algorithm for random k-SAT March 2009
MARCULESCU, DIANA Carnegie Mellon University (USA) System Level Process Variation Modeling and Mitigation July 2009
STUCKEY, PETER University of Melbourne (Australia) The G12 Constraint Programming Platform November 2008
SKODA, PETER A balanced approach to security of web applications November 2008

Mobility seminars and courses 2007-2008

Mobility seminars and courses 2007-2008
Professor Organization Title Dates Funding
SAIA, JARED CULVER University of New Mexico (Mexico) Robustness in Complex Systems September 2008 DCT2007-00230-P
POULIN, PIERRE Université de Montréal (Canada) Image-based Modeling and Rendering September 2008 DCT2007-00230-P
THILIKOS, DIMITRIOS TOUPOUPAS University of Athens (Greece) Parameterized Complexity: Meta-Algorithmic Tecniques September 2008 DCT2007-00230-P
Parameterized Complexity: Algorithm design July 2008 DCT2007-00230-P
VIOLA DE AMBROSIS, ALFREDO INCO (Uruguay) Introduction to Coding Theory July 2008 DCT2007-00230-P
PEPER, FERDINAND National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. Nano ICT Group (Japan) Noise-Driven Computation and Communication January 2008
GIANCARLO, RAFFAELE Università di Palermo (Italy) On Indexing and Compression: Two Sides of the Same Coin January 2008
SUGUMARAN, VIJAYAN Oakland University (USA) The Role of Domain Ontologies in Database Design: An Ontology Management and Conceptual Modeling Environment January 2008
SORKINE, OLGA/NEALEN, ANDREW New York University (USA) Interface and Algorithms for the Creation ans Animation of Surface Meshes February 2008
TURNER, DAVID Middlesex University (UK) Total Functional Programming May 2008
MARTÍNEZ LÓPEZ, PABLO E. Universidad Nacional de la Plata (Argentina) Análisis estático de código para detección de ataques de inyección en aplicaciones web May 2008
CASTRO, JAELSON Universidade Federal de Pernanbuco (Brasil) Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering: The TROPOS CASE Juny 2008
PEÑA, RICARDO Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) Generación de código con certificado asociado Juny 2008
QUATTONI, ARIADNA MIT/CSAIL (UK) An efficient Method for Larde-Scale Multi-task Learning in High Dimensions July 2008
KLEIJN, JETTY Leiden University (Netherland) Patri Nets with Localities November 2007

Mobility seminars and courses 2006-2007

Mobility seminars and courses 2006-2007
Professor Organization Title Dates Funding
SPIRAKIS, PAUL Sensores y redes ad-hoc (modelos, algorithmos y seguridad) September 2007 DCT2006-00766-P
MIDDENDORF, MARTIN Universität Leipzig (Germany) Swarm intelligence and organic Computing September 2007 DCT2006-00766-P
FERNÁNDEZ ANTA, ANTONIO Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) Elección fufura delider en sistemas distribuidos no fiables June 2007 DCT2006-00766-P
CAMPOS LACLAUSTRA, JAVIER Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) Modelado y análisis de sistemas comcurrentes con redes de Petri. Evaluación de rendimiento June 2007 DCT2006-00766-P
SCATENI, RICARDO Univesità di Cagliari (Italy) Polygon Triangulation June 2007 DCT2006-00766-P
Delaunay Triangulation June 2007 DCT2006-00766-P
Geometry compression and Triangle strips June 2007 DCT2006-00766-P
Geometry compression, Multiresolucion and Triangle strips July 2007 DCT2006-00766-P
THILIKOS, DIMITRIOS University of Athens (Greece) Parameterized Complexity May 2007 DCT2006-00766-P
NAIDEN, NEIL University of London (UK) Requeriments processes and techniques: Going beyond RUP April 2007 DCT2006-00766-P
HEIDRICH, WOLFGANG University of British Columbia (UK) High dynamic range displays and imaging March 2007 DCT2006-00766-P
FOLEY, JIM Georgia Tech College of Computin (USA) Virtual Reality: Past, Present and Future July 2007
PERINI, ANNA ITC-IRST (Italy) Requirements prioritization. The Case-Based Ranking approach March 2007
VARDI, MOSHE Y. Rice University (USA) Games as an algorithmic construct Desember 2006
ROZENBERG, GRZEGORZ Leiden University (Netherlands)

Mobility seminars and courses 2005-2006

Mobility seminars and courses 2005-2006
Professor Organization Title Dates Funding
KOBOUROV, STEPHEN G. University of Arizona (USA) Information Visualization and Graph Drawing October 2006 MCD-2003 00130
MIDDENDORF, MARTIN Universität Leipzig (Germany) Swarm Intelligence and Organic Computing October 2006 MCD-2003 00130
SPIRAKIS, PAUL G. University of Patras (Greece) New issues in Algorithmic Game Theor October 2006 MCD-2003 00130
SZIRMAY-KALOS, LASZLO Technical University of Budapest (Hungary) Monte Carlo Techniques and Introdution to CG Progamming June 2006 MCD-2003 00130
CORTADELLA, JORDI/CARMONA, JOSEP Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain) Manocomputing: a new paradigm for long-term research February 2006
CRUZ, CAROLINA Virtual Reality Applications Center. Iowa State University (USA) Estado del arte i perspectivas en Realidad Virtual Marc 2006
PALASSINI, MATTEO Universidad de Barcelona (Spain) Landscape of solutions in constraint satisfaction problems May 2006
EHRIG, HARTMUT Technology University Berlin (Germany) Graph Grammars and Petri Net Transformations May 2006
BENTLEY, JON Avaja Labs Research (USA) Tricks of the Programming Trade May 2006
ACHLIOPTAS, DIMITRIS UC Santa Cruz (USA) Recent results on Random k-SAT Juny 2006
EMBLEY, DAVID W. Brighman Young University (USA) Semantic Understanding: An Approach Based on Information- Extraction Ontologies Juny 2006
DAVID, ALAN Requirements Elicitation: How the Experts Do It? Juny 2006
AMIR, AMIHOOD Bar-Ilan University (Georgia, USA) Two Glass Balls ans d Tower July 2006
CASTELLANOS VAZQUES-GIL, MARIA GUADALUPE Intelligent Enterprise Technologies Lab. HP Laboratories (Palo Alto, USA) Business Process Optimization & Analysis Setember 2006
CAROMEL, DENIS Nice Sophia Antipolis University (France) Distributed Objects and the Grid: from Practice to Theory Setember 2006
SAIA, JARED University of New Mexico (Mexico) Secure Algorithms and Data Structures for Massive Networks October 2006
MOSTEIRO, MIGUEL Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA) Upper and Lower rounds in Radio Networks October 2006
KOUTSOUPIAS, ELIAS University of Athens (Greece) Equilibria, Price a Anarchy, and Mechanisms November 2006
FOMIN, FEDOR University of Bergen (Norway) Width parametres and exact algorithms Desember 2006
THILIKOS, DIMITRIOS M. University of Atehns (Greece) Faster fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for matching and packingproblems November 2005